EUSBSR Action Plan approved by the European Commission


The European Commission approved the revised European Union Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region (EUSBSR) Action Plan on 17 February 2021. The new EUSBSR Action Plan supports a macro-regional strategy and focuses on boosting transnational cooperation, resilience, and more efficient recovery in the Baltic Sea region. More details and the revised Action Plan can be found on the EUSBSR and European Commission websites. 

The Interreg South Baltic Programme 2014-2020 is part of the Strategy since its establishment in 2009. The Programme implements activities directly supporting the development of the Baltic Sea macroregion. Seven projects were granted the flagship status of the EUSBSR: INTERCONNECTBioBiGGMORPHEUSBaltic Sea Tourism CenterInnoAquaTechAttractive HardwoodsBBVET as examples of well-managed projects and inspiration for others.

The majority of the 64 regular projects being implemented within the South Baltic Programme contribute to the execution of the Strategy’s objectives, which has been confirmed by the PwC Advisory commissioned by the Programme socio-economic analysis.

The analysis showed a strong link between the implemented projects and their results with the Strategy and outlined the shape of the future for the Interreg South Baltic 2021-2027 operational programme in synergy with the revised Strategy.

The Programme supports the EUSBSR also through information and promotion activities. In October 2020, during the 11th Annual Online Forum of the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region, the Head of the Joint Secretariat took part in the debate which was part of the workshop “Umbrella funding for small- and micro-scale cultural initiatives in the BSR” organised by the Policy Area (PA) ‘Culture’ coordinators. During the workshop, the Art line project was presented (co-financed from the 2007-2013 perspective) as an excellent example of durability and long-term sustainability of results. 

The Programme representatives, invited by the VASAB, took an active part in the workshop: “Where Land and Water Meets in the Baltic Sea Region 2050”.  The Programme was also promoted during the Virtual Networking Village which was part of the 11th Annual Forum of the EUSBSR and during the Baltic Sea States Subregional Co-operation (BSSSC).