Baltic Biking UPGRADE


Lead partner

Name: Pomorska Regionalna Organizacja Turystyczna
Country: Poland

Project Partners Member States


Acronym: BBU

Project partners Member States: PL, DK, LT, SE, BE, DE

Baltic Biking UPGRADE (BBU) will address the significant challenges of SMEs along the South Baltic part of the Baltic Sea Cycle Route – EuroVelo10 (EV10) when the SMEs are to create attractive bookable offers and successfully reach out to foreign markets. These challenges are due to a lack of knowledge, underdeveloped bicycle-friendly standards, services & offer & a lack of business contacts and partnerships with relevant peers.
This shall be achieved via:

  • Rolling out bicycle-friendly services along the EV10.
  • Creating new SME products & offers for customers around the EV10.
  • Joint marketing of the EV10 SMEs offer on various markets.
  • Strengthening the strategic development & management of the EV10.
    BBU will boost the economic growth of SMEs in the South Baltic area while creating a new platform with networking, matchmaking & promo possibilities for new/improved bicycle-friendly offers, also increasing the SME’s level of internationalisation by introducing new partnerships & cross-border offers among them from South Baltic region and beyond.

Discover our projects

Horse tourism for everyone – Fostering inclusive & citizen-oriented horse tourism development...

Programme measure:

3.1 Developing sustainable, resilient, and innovative tourism

Lead Partner:

Pomorska Regionalna Organizacja Turystyczna



see details
Horse tourism for everyone – Fostering inclusive & citizen-oriented horse tourism development in the South Baltic area

DeCoInter – Decarbonization of Maritime Sector and its Impact on Green Energy Transition

Programme measure:

2.1 Supporting transition towards green energy

Lead Partner:

Pomorska Regionalna Organizacja Turystyczna



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DeCoInter – Decarbonization of Maritime Sector and its Impact on Green Energy Transition

LoCaGas, Low Calorific Gas for Green Power Production

Lead Partner:

Pomorska Regionalna Organizacja Turystyczna



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LoCaGas, Low Calorific Gas for Green Power Production

Decarbonization of district heating systems

Lead Partner:

Pomorska Regionalna Organizacja Turystyczna



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Decarbonization of district heating systems

Building Engagement to Accelerate Clean Energy Transitions in the South Baltic – BALTICBEAT

Lead Partner:

Pomorska Regionalna Organizacja Turystyczna



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Building Engagement to Accelerate Clean Energy Transitions in the South Baltic – BALTICBEAT

BePacMan – Better Paper Packaging Management

Programme measure:

2.3 Supporting a circular and more resource efficient development

Lead Partner:

Pomorska Regionalna Organizacja Turystyczna



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BePacMan – Better Paper Packaging Management

Circular MuSe – Promoting circular economy approaches that increase the resource efficiency of...

Lead Partner:

Pomorska Regionalna Organizacja Turystyczna



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Circular MuSe – Promoting circular economy approaches that increase the resource efficiency of municipal services


Lead Partner:

Pomorska Regionalna Organizacja Turystyczna



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Preventing massive marine waters chemical pollution from the leaking wrecks and munition/ weapon dumps...

Lead Partner:

Pomorska Regionalna Organizacja Turystyczna



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Preventing massive marine waters chemical pollution from the leaking wrecks and munition/ weapon dumps in the South Baltic

Innovative solutions for sewage sludge management in small wastewater treatment plants.

Lead Partner:

Pomorska Regionalna Organizacja Turystyczna



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Innovative solutions for sewage sludge management in small wastewater treatment plants.

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