SBEES South Baltic Digital Electromobility Enabling Services


Lead partner

Name: Industrial Development Centre South
Country: Sweden

Project Partners Member States


Acronym: SBEES

Project partners Member States: PL, SE, DK, LT, DE

The project involves 10 partners from Sweden (3), Lithuania (1), Poland (2), Germany (2) and Denmark (2).The partnership is composed of cluster, universities, SME, industry organisation for utilities, municipality andmunicipality-owned company. The partners are supported by 7 associated partners which are utilitycompany, local authorities, voivodeship fund, organisation integrating municipalities and an SME fromGermany, Sweden (2), Poland (2), Lithuania and Denmark, the project is led by IndustrielltUtvecklingscentrum Syd (SE).The overall project objective is to develop and pilot four digital eMobility services (for mapping, monitoring,electricity storage and investment decision making) which will enable the expansion of green electric crossbordertransportation in the SBP region.The project’s activities start with analysis of the market, research on regulatory compliance on the e-mobilityand other activities related to preparation of the basis for the next work package, which is e-mobility servicedevelopment and implementation. At this stage project will pilot the implementation and installation of theservices as well as analysing and evaluating them. At the end, the services will be integrated and adapted tothe circumstances in each country. It will to be supported by communication activities.The main target groups were not specified by the project in WOD2021. Based on the workplan andcommunication plan, the target groups are municipalities, utilities, and organizations in the power supplyand automotive sectors.

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Programme measure:

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Lead Partner:

Industrial Development Centre South



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Horse tourism for everyone – Fostering inclusive & citizen-oriented horse tourism development in the South Baltic area

DeCoInter – Decarbonization of Maritime Sector and its Impact on Green Energy Transition

Programme measure:

2.1 Supporting transition towards green energy

Lead Partner:

Industrial Development Centre South



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DeCoInter – Decarbonization of Maritime Sector and its Impact on Green Energy Transition

LoCaGas, Low Calorific Gas for Green Power Production

Lead Partner:

Industrial Development Centre South



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LoCaGas, Low Calorific Gas for Green Power Production

Decarbonization of district heating systems

Lead Partner:

Industrial Development Centre South



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Decarbonization of district heating systems

Building Engagement to Accelerate Clean Energy Transitions in the South Baltic – BALTICBEAT

Lead Partner:

Industrial Development Centre South



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Building Engagement to Accelerate Clean Energy Transitions in the South Baltic – BALTICBEAT

BePacMan – Better Paper Packaging Management

Programme measure:

2.3 Supporting a circular and more resource efficient development

Lead Partner:

Industrial Development Centre South



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BePacMan – Better Paper Packaging Management

Circular MuSe – Promoting circular economy approaches that increase the resource efficiency of...

Lead Partner:

Industrial Development Centre South



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Circular MuSe – Promoting circular economy approaches that increase the resource efficiency of municipal services


Lead Partner:

Industrial Development Centre South



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Preventing massive marine waters chemical pollution from the leaking wrecks and munition/ weapon dumps...

Lead Partner:

Industrial Development Centre South



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Preventing massive marine waters chemical pollution from the leaking wrecks and munition/ weapon dumps in the South Baltic

Innovative solutions for sewage sludge management in small wastewater treatment plants.

Lead Partner:

Industrial Development Centre South



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Innovative solutions for sewage sludge management in small wastewater treatment plants.

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