Regenerative Tourism (ReTour) – developing a new approach that accelerates positive change in tourism businesses, local communities, nature and culture in the SBA.


Lead partner

Name: Visit Skåne AB
Country: Sweden

Project Partners Member States


Acronym: ReTour

Project partners Member States: SE, LT, PL, DE, DK,

The project involves six partners from Sweden (1), Lithuania (1), Poland (2), Germany (1) and Denmark (1). The partnership is composed of destination management organisations (DMOs), an institute, tourism organizations and an association of local and regional authorities. The partners are supported by 3 associated partners which are a tourism organisation, a national park and an association from Germany and Poland. The project is led by Visit Skåne AB (Sweden).
The overall project objective is to create solutions that mitigate the impact of seasonality and sustain the local economy by pioneering the initiative of regenerative tourism offerings among SBA stakeholders, developing strategic guidelines and marketing plans and providing a sustainability toolbox for SMEs, fostering a more sustainable approach to tourism.
The project’s activities are grouped into four content-related work packages. The first work package includes joint study trips to observe good practices, cooperation with stakeholders, and the development of regenerative tourism principles. The second work package is devoted to the piloting and testing activities, where six regenerative offerings will be implemented, reflected on, and reported. The third work package is dedicated to the development of guidelines on how to position the regenerative tourism destination in SBA, supported by promotional activities and press trips. The last work package is created to facilitate further dissemination of the new approach of regenerative tourism in the SBA by developing a guide, a toolbox, a self-assessment tool, and a joint action plan to promote the created offers.
The main target groups are DMOs and field specialists, tourism SMEs, NGOs, local authorities, domestic and international tourists, and visitors.

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Lead Partner:

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Lead Partner:

Visit Skåne AB



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Building Engagement to Accelerate Clean Energy Transitions in the South Baltic – BALTICBEAT

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Programme measure:

2.3 Supporting a circular and more resource efficient development

Lead Partner:

Visit Skåne AB



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Lead Partner:

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Lead Partner:

Visit Skåne AB



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Lead Partner:

Visit Skåne AB



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Lead Partner:

Visit Skåne AB



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Innovative solutions for sewage sludge management in small wastewater treatment plants.

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