Circular South Baltic


Lead partner

Name: Business Hub Zealand (Erhvervshus Sjaelland)
Country: Denmark

Project Partners Member States


Acronym: Circular South Baltic

Project partners Member States: LT, DK, DE, PL, SE

The project involves 7 partners from Denmark (2), Sweden (1), Lithuania (1), Poland (2) and Germany (1). Thepartnership is composed of business support organisations and universities. The partners are supported by4 associated partners which are technology park, environment-oriented NGOs and a cluster from Germany,Poland and Denmark. The project is led by Business Hub Zealand (DK).The overall project objective is to strengthen the sustainable economic development of the SBA by facilitatinga circular and green transition in the building and construction sector.The project’s activities start with establishing the network, that during the meetings will exchange knowledgeand share best practice and produce the report on platforms for trade in second hand building materials inthe South Baltic Area. Based on this, the programme for building SME’s knowledge and transnationalpartnerships will be developed. Later on, SMEs will be reached in order to participate in the developedprogramme. Project will be finalised with production of the report summarising learning points andcommunication activities.The main target groups are divided into four groups, (1) SMEs which have either developed or implementedcircular solutions within construction, (2) other SMEs, public entities and large enterprises from the SBAwhich have the ambition to enter into a circular value chain with the primary target group, (3) businessdevelopment organisations, innovation agencies, cluster organisations and incubators/accelerators, (4)general public (citizens, civil servants and business leaders), media, researchers working within the fields ofgreen transition and circular economy, and policy makers.

Discover our projects

Horse tourism for everyone – Fostering inclusive & citizen-oriented horse tourism development...

Programme measure:

3.1 Developing sustainable, resilient, and innovative tourism

Lead Partner:

Business Hub Zealand (Erhvervshus Sjaelland)



see details
Horse tourism for everyone – Fostering inclusive & citizen-oriented horse tourism development in the South Baltic area

DeCoInter – Decarbonization of Maritime Sector and its Impact on Green Energy Transition

Programme measure:

2.1 Supporting transition towards green energy

Lead Partner:

Business Hub Zealand (Erhvervshus Sjaelland)



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DeCoInter – Decarbonization of Maritime Sector and its Impact on Green Energy Transition

LoCaGas, Low Calorific Gas for Green Power Production

Lead Partner:

Business Hub Zealand (Erhvervshus Sjaelland)



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LoCaGas, Low Calorific Gas for Green Power Production

Decarbonization of district heating systems

Lead Partner:

Business Hub Zealand (Erhvervshus Sjaelland)



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Decarbonization of district heating systems

Building Engagement to Accelerate Clean Energy Transitions in the South Baltic – BALTICBEAT

Lead Partner:

Business Hub Zealand (Erhvervshus Sjaelland)



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Building Engagement to Accelerate Clean Energy Transitions in the South Baltic – BALTICBEAT

BePacMan – Better Paper Packaging Management

Programme measure:

2.3 Supporting a circular and more resource efficient development

Lead Partner:

Business Hub Zealand (Erhvervshus Sjaelland)



see details
BePacMan – Better Paper Packaging Management

Circular MuSe – Promoting circular economy approaches that increase the resource efficiency of...

Lead Partner:

Business Hub Zealand (Erhvervshus Sjaelland)



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Circular MuSe – Promoting circular economy approaches that increase the resource efficiency of municipal services


Lead Partner:

Business Hub Zealand (Erhvervshus Sjaelland)



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Preventing massive marine waters chemical pollution from the leaking wrecks and munition/ weapon dumps...

Lead Partner:

Business Hub Zealand (Erhvervshus Sjaelland)



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Preventing massive marine waters chemical pollution from the leaking wrecks and munition/ weapon dumps in the South Baltic

Innovative solutions for sewage sludge management in small wastewater treatment plants.

Lead Partner:

Business Hub Zealand (Erhvervshus Sjaelland)



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Innovative solutions for sewage sludge management in small wastewater treatment plants.

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