Building Engagement to Accelerate Clean Energy Transitions in the South Baltic – BALTICBEAT


Lead partner

Name: University of Gdansk
Address: Bazynskiego 8, 80-309 Gdansk
Region/Subregion: Trójmiejski
Country: Poland

Project Partners Member States



Project partners Member States: PL, SE, DK, LT

The project involves 7 partners from Poland (3), Denmark (2), Sweden (1), Lithuania (1). The partnership is composed of universities, SMEs, incubator, NGOs of PPs. The partners are supported by 6 associated partners which are municipalities, association of municipalities and a science and technology park from Poland, Sweden, Lithuania. The project is led by University of Gdańsk (PL).The overall project objective is to increase renewable energy production in the South Baltic Area by providing local actors with a set of tools to facilitate the preparation of RES production and management, in particular, through the creation and development of energy communities.The project’s activities are planned in three content-related work packages. Work package 1 focuses at developing a capacity building programme to support local communities in energy transition processes and consists of analyses, training development and implementation, production of educational video(s) supporting and completing selected topics and integration with toolbox delivered in other work package. The goal of work package 2 (communities’ engagement in energy transition processes) is strengthening local communities as a driving force for initiating and sustaining clean energy initiatives and energy transformation processes at local level. This work package starts with analysis of the policy mixes and mapping of capacities, then scenario(s) developing for stakeholders’ engagement and preparing recommendations for local strategies on energy transition solutions and educational and awareness raising tools. The last activity for the work package will be performing hackathons. Work package 3 aims at the development of pilot cross-border consultancy and specialized training services. In this scope compilation of a catalogue of services to support the use of green energy in local communities, setting up the network of experts to provide tailor-made consultancy and workshops, preparing an online CO2 calculator, creating a website integrating tools and disseminating project products are planned.The main target groups are local authorities, SMEs in the South Baltic Area, companies in industrial and technology parks, local communities interested in energy communities.

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Horse tourism for everyone – Fostering inclusive & citizen-oriented horse tourism development...

Programme measure:

3.1 Developing sustainable, resilient, and innovative tourism

Lead Partner:

University of Gdansk



see details
Horse tourism for everyone – Fostering inclusive & citizen-oriented horse tourism development in the South Baltic area

DeCoInter – Decarbonization of Maritime Sector and its Impact on Green Energy Transition

Programme measure:

2.1 Supporting transition towards green energy

Lead Partner:

University of Gdansk



see details
DeCoInter – Decarbonization of Maritime Sector and its Impact on Green Energy Transition

LoCaGas, Low Calorific Gas for Green Power Production

Lead Partner:

University of Gdansk



see details
LoCaGas, Low Calorific Gas for Green Power Production

Decarbonization of district heating systems

Lead Partner:

University of Gdansk



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Decarbonization of district heating systems

BePacMan – Better Paper Packaging Management

Programme measure:

2.3 Supporting a circular and more resource efficient development

Lead Partner:

University of Gdansk



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BePacMan – Better Paper Packaging Management

Circular MuSe – Promoting circular economy approaches that increase the resource efficiency of...

Lead Partner:

University of Gdansk



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Circular MuSe – Promoting circular economy approaches that increase the resource efficiency of municipal services


Lead Partner:

University of Gdansk



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Preventing massive marine waters chemical pollution from the leaking wrecks and munition/ weapon dumps...

Lead Partner:

University of Gdansk



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Preventing massive marine waters chemical pollution from the leaking wrecks and munition/ weapon dumps in the South Baltic

Innovative solutions for sewage sludge management in small wastewater treatment plants.

Lead Partner:

University of Gdansk



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Innovative solutions for sewage sludge management in small wastewater treatment plants.

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