BePacMan – Better Paper Packaging Management


Lead partner

Name: Gdańsk University of Technology
Address: Narutowicza, 11/12, Gdańsk, 80-233
Region/Subregion: REGION PÓŁNOCNY, Pomorskie
Country: Poland

Project Partners Member States


Name: enviMV e. V. Network of environmental technologies of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern
Country: Germany

Name: Gdansk Entrepreneurship Foundation
Address: Lęborska 3b, 80-386 Gdańsk
Region/Subregion: Pomorskie
Country: Poland

Acronym: BePacMan

Project partners Member States: PL, DE, LT, DK

The project involves 7 partners from Poland (2), Germany (3), Lithuania (1), Denmark (1). The partnership is composed of universities from Gdańsk and Wismar, chamber of commerce, cluster and NGOs, business of PPs. The partners are supported by 5 associated partners which are university, representative of local authority, NGO, chamber of commerce, business from Germany, Lithuania, Poland. The project is led by Gdańsk University of Technology (PL).The overall project objective is to support the largest group of SMEs in development of business models and solutions that will allow to extend the life cycle of paper packaging and will be attractive to these companies both in terms of ecology and business.The project’s activities focus on analysing and evaluating current situation, then finding and defining practical solutions for market stakeholders to eventually disseminate the knowledge, built capacity for exceeding the life circle of paper packing. The goal of the project is to establish new concepts in order to support trade and industry situation.The main target groups are SMEs, NGO’s, regional public authorities, large enterprises (logistic enterprises), local communities (consumers).

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Lead Partner:

Gdańsk University of Technology



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