Each Member State of the Programme sets up a system of the first level control and designate relevant institutions as FLCs. The first level control tasks are carried out by national controllers at the project partner level, i.e., for the expenditures of each partner separately.
The FLC systems vary among the Member States that participate in the South Baltic Programme – there are two kinds of FLC system: cetralised and decentralised.
First Level Controllers carry out management verification which includes:
- administrative verifications of expenditures declared in partner progress reports – performed in the CST2021 system.
- on-the-spot check at the premises of the project partners.
Detailed instructions for the FLCs work in the CST2021 system is published in the e-reporting.
The First Level Control system is set according to Article 46 (3) of the Regulation 2021/1059 (Interreg Regulation) and Article 74 of the Regulation 2021/1060 (Common Provisions Regulation).
The FLC bodies designated:
Poland (apply geographically)
- Zachodniopomorskie Voivodship (Szczecin)
- Pomorskie Voivodship (Gdańsk)
- Warmińsko-Mazurskie Voivodship (Olsztyn)
- Tillväxtverket – Swedish Agency for Economic and Regional Growth
Project partners shall select an independent private audit companies or auditors for themselves in compliance with national public procurement rules and the national requirements.
The FLC shall be approved by Approbation Body assigned at the national level:
- Region Zealand
- Regional Municipality of Bornholm
- Ministry of Economics, Infrastructure, Tourism and Labour Mecklenburg-Vorpommern
- Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of Lithuania, European Union Investments and International Programmes Department
Note: Costs of the decentralised First Level Control are eligible as external expertise costs and shall be included in the project budget.
General principles are a set of rules of verifications carried out by FLC designated by the Member States in the Interreg South Baltic Programme 2021-2027. The document covers the regulatory requirements, general principles and purpose of verifications, the bodies responsible for national first level control systems, timing, scope and intensity of the verifications, on-the-spot checks as well as issues relating to public procurement and the functionalities of IT system used.
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