Changes in the projects

Changes in the projects


As an overarching rule, each project should be implemented in line with the concept presented in the approved Application Form and the Subsidy Contract. However, during the implementation, projects might meet challenges that require changes to the project set-up.

Changes require different procedures to be applied – deviations (harmonised between partners) and changes requiring the decision of the Joint Secretariat or the Monitoring Committee. Information about all deviations and changes within the project, especially within the project budget, must be reflected by in the CST2021 system in order to maintain an appropriate audit trial.

The detailed procedure of changes is described in the Programme Manual Chapter VI, point 4. Lead partners are advised to contact their Project Officers in advance in case of project changes.

  • Deviations have no impact on the project outputs and results planned initially in the approved Application Form.


    • Budget reallocation between work packages, cost categories or project partners not exceeding 10% of the total eligible budget,
    • Changes to the nature of activities that does not impact the achievement of the deliverables and project output/result indicators,
    • Changes to the activities that does not affect the cross-border character of those activities,
    • Differences between the time of the actual implementation not affecting the project completion date,
    • Changes that do not exceed 30% of the target value of a deliverable or 20% of the target value of a project output and result,
    • Change in the contact data of the lead partner and partners,
    • Change in bank account number of the lead partner.

    Deviations shall be reported in the project progress report the latest once it is applied (CST2021 Payment claims, section Physical progress, point Problems encountered during project implementation).

  • All changes that may affect project outputs and results planned initially in the approved Application Form.


    • Budget reallocations exceeding the limit set for deviations,
    • Budget changes that result in an increase in the amount of state aid granted to project partners,
    • Changes to the nature of activities that affect the factors listed for deviations,
    • Changes to the planned number of equipment items (except items of low value),
    • Changes to the target value of deliverables or outputs and results exceeding the limit for deviations,
    • Prolonging the project implementation period (up to 1 year, cumulatively),
    • Changes in the legal status of a partner(s),
    • Changes in the partnership related to withdrawal of a partner or withdrawal/inclusion of an associated partner(s).

    Project changes require submitting Request for changes (and budget reallocation tool, if relevant) through the CST2021 system. Additionally a Change request should be prepared in CST 2021 (section Project details). Joint Secretariat may ask for an update of project documentation depending on the nature of change. All project changes should be requested in advance.

  • All changes that may significantly affect project outputs and results.


    • Request for additional ERDF funding for the project activities,
    • Adding a new or deleting an existing project output and result indicators,
    • Prolonging the project implementation period for more than 1 year (cumulatively, only in well justified cases),
    • Change of the lead partner of the project,
    • Including new partners to the project.

    Major project changes require the same procedure as project changes and a solid justification.