Foodtech Excellence Alliance
Programme measure:
1.1 Digitalising the region
Lead Partner:
Innovation Skane AB
EUR 40.000,00
Programme measure:
1.1 Digitalising the region
Lead Partner:
Sustainable Development Skåne
EUR 31.100,00
Baltic Living History Lessons we share a passion, a common past and future
Programme measure:
2.1 Supporting transition towards green energy
Lead Partner:
Association of Polish Communes Euroregion Baltic
EUR 34.000,00
South Baltic Horse Tourism – development of horse tourism based on cooperation, joint promotion,…
Programme measure:
2.1 Supporting transition towards green energy
Lead Partner:
Pomorskie Voivodeship
EUR 34.000,00
South Baltic Horse Tourism – development of horse tourism based on cooperation, joint promotion,…
Programme measure:
2.1 Supporting transition towards green energy
Lead Partner:
Pomorskie Voivodeship
EUR 34.000,00
DecarbonDHS-Decarbonization of district heating systems
Programme measure:
2.2 Promoting sustainable use of water
Lead Partner:
Institute of Fluid-Flow Machinery Polish Academy of Sciences (IMP PAN)
EUR 34.000,00
Innovative solutions for sewage sludge management in small wastewater treatment plants
Programme measure:
2.2 Promoting sustainable use of water
Lead Partner:
Rybno commune
EUR 34.000,00
Industrial Symbiosis efficiency for sustainable solutions in South Baltic area
Programme measure:
2.2 Promoting sustainable use of water
Lead Partner:
Klaipeda University
EUR 33.300,00
Nature Based Solutions in Public Markets and Trading Areas of SB Cities
Programme measure:
2.2 Promoting sustainable use of water
Lead Partner:
City Initiative Association
EUR 33.400,00
Innovative cargo operations in local ports for reducing environmental hazards
Programme measure:
2.2 Promoting sustainable use of water
Lead Partner:
Port of Elbląg
EUR 33.200,00
Ability of businesses in coastal municipalities to become self-sufficient in energy from RES
Programme measure:
2.2 Promoting sustainable use of water
Lead Partner:
University of Szczecin
EUR 34.000,00
South Baltic Green Decarbonization
Programme measure:
2.2 Promoting sustainable use of water
Lead Partner:
Gdańsk University of Technology
EUR 34.000,00
Baltic E-ferry
Programme measure:
3.1 Developing sustainable, resilient, and innovative tourism
Lead Partner:
Administration of Silute District Municipality
EUR 33.600,00
Programme measure:
3.1 Developing sustainable, resilient, and innovative tourism
Lead Partner:
RISE (Research Institutes of Sweden) AB
EUR 32.000,00
Connected by the Sea – building potential of organizations acting in the field of beach…
Lead Partner:
Municipality of Gdańsk – Gdańsk Sports Centre
EUR 32.950,00
Cooperation capacity for green skills educators in South Baltic
Lead Partner:
CELF – Center for Vocational Education Lolland Falser
EUR 32.318,00
Professional public services for strengthen local communities
Lead Partner:
Media Dizajn Association
EUR 34.000,00
South Baltic Sail and Water Education Opportunities
Lead Partner:
Association of Polish Communes Euroregion Baltic
EUR 33.175,00
Stroke app in ambulances – improve recognition of stroke
Lead Partner:
Region Zealand, Data and Developmentsupport, AI-center
EUR 30.850,00
HUB(-ing) – more than Mobility
Programme measure:
3.1 Developing sustainable, resilient, and innovative tourism
Lead Partner:
Polish Union of Active Mobility
EUR 33.150,00