SB Nature Guide Network – Supporting sustainable nature tourism in transboundary coastal areas in the SB Region via establishing a common education scheme for Local Guides


Lead partner

Name: Klaipeda University
Address: Herkaus Manto 84 92294 Klaipeda
Region/Subregion: Lithuania
Country: Lithuania

Project Partners Member States


Name: Environmental Action Germany (DUH)
Address: Breite Str. 26 17438 Wolgast
Region/Subregion: Mecklenburg-Vorpommern
Country: Germany

Name: Association of Friends of the Ina and the Gowienica Rivers (TPRIiG)
Address: Chrobrego 17 72-112 Stepnica
Region/Subregion: Zachodniopomorskie
Country: Poland

Name: Northern Chamber of Commerce in Szczecin (NCC)
Address: Al. Wojska Polskiego 86 70-482 Szczecin
Region/Subregion: Zachodniopomorskie
Country: Poland

Name: HOP Transnational Network Oder Delta e.V. (HOP)
Address: Hafenstrasse 3 17438 Wolgast
Region/Subregion: Mecklenburg-Vorpommern
Country: Germany

Name: Curonian Spit National Park Administration (CSNPA)
Address: Naglių g. Neringa
Region/Subregion: Lithuania
Country: Lithuania

Category of intervention


What can SB Nature Guide Network offer?

The project offers free pilot tours through Eastern Germany’s natural sites. The aim of the tours is to make, on the basis of participants feedback, the offer even better and create a tailor-made tour through nature for all who will be interested.

Note: Due to the coronavirus-situation the tour will only take place under the condition, that by end of April the situation is allowing the tour to take place.

SB Nature Guide Network

Project description

The project SB Nature Guides will contribute to increasing the share of skilled labour force in the green economy sector in the SB region by establishing a new qualification with significant job market potential:  The Nature Guide, a tourism expert that is able to meet an urgently demanded offer for tourists coming to the partner regions. Target group analyses have identified qualified guided tours as one important point of interest here, professionalization strategies as implemented in SE, DK and UK demonstrated that professionalisation enhances the perception of such regions as high quality tourism offers, which, again turns the former voluntary worker service into a reliable source of income for professionals, and also stabilizes associated services (accommodation, catering, tour organisation etc.). The project will make use of this experience for developing a job profile tailored to the needs of the involved SB regions, jointly learning from the experienced countries, but also profiting from each others expertise in different relevant fields. Out of this profile, a related training programme will be developed and optimized towards sustainable operation in all partner countries, based on regular jointly elaborated updates and ongoing quality assessment by the international team plus experts from SE/DK/UK. To ensure an efficient integration of the new offer resp. the newly trained experts into the labour market, a Nature Guide Network will be established with a durably working cooperation structure. This forms the basis for on going experience exchange between the qualified experts and also integrates multipliers who monitor and support the offers provided by these experts and contributes to a cross-border promotion to tourism experts as well as to relevant tourism target groups (focus: green tourism). A quality assessment and enhanced expert terminology for professional exchange are arranged by WP5 as solid working basis for the professional Nature Guides.

Project website

Find SB Nature Guide Network Project website here.

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