1st Mini Call project #1

1st Mini Call project #1


Recently, the results of 1️st Mini Call have been announced by the Programme. In the following weeks, we will present 9 projects which have been selected and activities that are planned for the extension period.

The 1st out of 9 projects is SOUTH BALTIC MANORS – valorisation of manors for tourism development in rural areas of the South Baltic area covering the Sustainable tourism specific objective.

The duration of the project has been prolonged until 31 Jul 2022 and its activities planned until that date comprise:

  • Developing the “tours & offers” section on the project’s website by providing information and bookable offers for domestic overnight guests.
  • Creating new key materials & tools that will attract guests – multiday tours; production of “Manor Breakfast TV” lifestreams presenting tourists offers; promotion in media & PR campaigns, blogs and online adverts.

The common goal of all the projects is to adjust their activities and outputs to the new circumstances caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.