1st Mini Call project #4

1st Mini Call project #4


We continue presenting the 1st Mini Call projects and their objectives.

The 4th out of 9 projects, LiveLagoons – the use of active barriers for the nutrient removal and local water quality improvement in Baltic lagoons, covering Green technologies.

The duration of the project has been prolonged until 31 December 2021 and its activities planned until that date comprise:

  • Two additional, environmentally friendly, pilot installations in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania and in Klaipeda city,
  • Monitoring of additional pollutant – the bacterium Escherichia coli at the existing installation site Vogelsang-Warsin,
  • Extra online seminar or series of physical workshops in September 2021 presenting results of the project and targeting municipalities and public administration,
  • Re-organising final dissemination meetings, including international stakeholders’ physical event postponed due to the COVID-19 pandemic.