The 1st Small-scale projects call for proposals is open – Sign up for the partner search event and individual project consultation


The 1st Small-scale projects call for proposals of the Interreg South Baltic Programme 2021-2027 is open between 22 February – 21 March 2024. The Application Pack including the Terms of Reference and supporting materials of the 1st Small-scale projects call for proposals can be found in the section call for proposals.

Further information on the call

In case you have any questions on the call please contact the responsible project officer at the Joint Secretariat.

In case of questions related to the WOD2021 Application From or its attachments please write to

You can find further information on the Small-scale projects call and on submitting an application in the WOD2021 system in the   presentation (pdf) 1.09 MB (pdf) 1.09 MBfrom the Small-scale projects + Q&A sessions webinar that was held on 20 February 2024.

Building partnerships

To facilitate the creation of strong partnerships, the JS is organising a webinar addressed to potential beneficiaries. The main goal is to encourage new partnerships by giving the floor to participants. It will be a unique opportunity to present project ideas and organisations and to find new possibilities for cross-border cooperation. We welcome potential applicants, stakeholders, and experts from across South Baltic Area. The webinar will take place in Zoom application between 10:00-11:20 CET on Tuesday, 27 February. The registration is open till 23 February. Registered participants will receive link to the event shortly after completing the registration.

Registration Form

Partner search in the Programme is also supported by Contact Points (CPs). If you are looking for project partners or would like to join a project, please approach the relevant CP. Their contact details are available here. For your request to be considered, please provide comprehensive information to CPs. For projects looking for partners it is compulsory to provide the CPs with project concept form when approaching them.

It is strongly advised to approach the respective CP (i.e. in the region where the given organisation is located) if privately owned project partners are included to the partnership (SMEs are not eligible partners in the SSP call, but NGOs are) to check the eligibility of the organisations.

Individual project consultations

To support the development of good quality projects, the JS provides individual project consultations. Consultations are organised online between 5-7 March and 12-14 March. Each project idea under development can take part once in the consultations. The project must be represented by the lead partner that may invite further project partners. The consultations meetings are conducted in English and last up to an hour.

In order to take part in the consultations, the lead partner must register seven days before the date of the meeting the latest. The obligatory project idea template must be completed and sent to the JS five days before the meeting. You can download the template here.

Registration form

Rules of the consultations