LiveLagoons - The use of active barriers for the nutrient removal and local water quality improvement in Baltic lagoons (Seed Money)
Project description
The future Living Lagoons project aims to introduce innovative small-scale green technologies to trap and remove nutrients at South Baltic lagoon beaches in order to decrease the pollution discharges to the Baltic Sea and to strengthen the environmental sustainability of lagoon communities. Project plans to have four main steps - (i) stocktaking of the best available green technologies for trapping and removing nutrients from the shallow lagoon waters adjacent to the beaches that can be suitable for bathing; (ii) building a network of communities and stakeholders interested to test the green technologies of nutrient trapping and removal in practice; (iii) implementation of the living barriers at selected pilot sites; (iv) transfer of acquired knowledge and dissemination of good practices to other South Baltic lagoon communities and beyond.
37 400,00 EUR
31 790,00 EUR
01 Sep 2016
31 Dec 2016
Name: Klaipeda University
Address: H. Manto 84, 92294 Klaipeda
Region/Subregion: Klaipedos apskritis
Country: Lithuania
Address: Seestr. 15, 18119 Rostock
Region/Subregion: Kreisfreie Stadt Rostock
Country: Germany
Address: Kareiviniu g. 4-7, 92251 Klaipeda
Region/Subregion: Klaipedos apskritis
Country: Lithuania