The Programme is committed to the simplification and reduction of administrative burdens for partners – in 2014-2020 electronic exchange of information between partners and the FLC and between the lead partner and the JS is introduced.

The main instrument for project monitoring is a Progress Report. On the basis of the report, the JS will monitor the implementation of the projects. At the same time, the report is a tool for the lead partners to follow up on the activities and costs incurred among the project partners and associated partners. Progress reports should be handled in the electronic system SL2014. Installation of additional software is not necessary: project partners have to only ensure access to the internet.  SL2014 is accessible below for Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer and Google Chrome browsers. It is obligatory to use SL2014 for all project partners from the moment of signing the Subsidy Contract.

Upon signing the Subsidy Contract and the Partnership Agreement, project and lead partners have to authorise people entitled to use the SL2014 application on their behalf.

Lead partner and project partners are obliged to ensure the continuity of work in the SL2014. Particularly, they are obliged to ensure that any changes related to the people authorised to work in the system are immediately communicated to the JS.

Application for granting access for the person to work in the SL2014 should be filled in for each employee separately. The respective project partners (including lead partner) should fill in the List of people authorised to work in the SL2014. Both documents (Applications... and Lists ...) should be submitted to the lead partner, who further submits them to the JS.


Changes to the authorised staff to work in the SL2014

In case there is a change in the people authorised to work in the SL2014, a new  Application ... should be filled in (and/or Application for withdrawal of the granted access of the person authorised to work in the SL2014 ). The List of people authorised to work in the SL2014 should be updated by the relevant partner accordingly; changes should be communicated immediately to the lead partner. The lead partner should send updated documents in a paper form to the JS. To speed up the process of granting access to the system for new people, scans of respective documents should be sent by the LP to the JS using the communication module of the SL2014.


Documents related to the SL2014 are available in the table:

The short introduction to the SL2014 system Introduction to SL2014 
The quick guide to the SL2014 system

 The Quick Guide to the SL2014 system


The detailed instruction for using the SL2014

 SL2014 Beneficiary Manual v.6.1

 SL2014 Beneficiary Manual v.6.1 track changes 

The list of tips and hints to filling in the List of documents in Excel  hints to filling in the List of documents
The detailed instruction for using the SL2014 for the First Level Controllers

  SL2014 Institution Employee Manual v.4

  SL2014 Institution Employee Manual v.4 track changes

 What is verified by the SL2014 and what is not - additional guidance for FLCs

 User Manual SL 2014 Module: CONTROLS v.2

 User Manual SL 2014 Module: CONTROLS v.2  track changes

The interactive instruction for the beneficiaries Interactive Beneficiary's Manual
Application for granting access for the person to work in the SL2014

 Application for granting access

List of people authorised to work in the SL2014  List of authorised people
Application for withdrawal of the granted access of the person authorised to work in the SL2014

 Application for withdrawal



Working time import sheet for the section Project staff in SL2014

 Working time import sheet

The guidance for reporting by Seed Money projects

 Guidance for Seed Money projects reporting. Preparation of partial and joint payment claims.



For SL2014 related questions, please contact