WASTEMAN – Integrated Sustainable Waste Management Systems decreasing pollution discharges in the South Baltic area


Lead partner

Name: Institute of Fluid-Flow Machinery Polish Academy of Sciences (IMP PAN)
Country: Poland

Project Partners Member States


Name: The Administration of Tauragė District Municipality
Address: Respublikos 2, LT-72255 Tauragė
Region/Subregion: Taurages apskritis
Country: Lithuania

Name: The Administration of Nowa Karczma District Municipality
Address: Kościerska 9, 83-404 Nowa Karczma
Region/Subregion: Gdański
Country: Poland

Name: Bofa
Address: Almegaardsvej 8, 3700 Rønne
Region/Subregion: Bornholm
Country: Denmark

Name: Aalborg University
Address: A C Meyers Vænge 15, 2450 Copenhagen SV
Region/Subregion: Copenhagen
Country: Denmark

Address: Łężyce, Al. Parku Krajobrazowego 99, 84-207 Koleczkowo
Region/Subregion: Gdański
Country: Poland

Category of intervention


What changes with WASTEMAN?

WASTEMAN changes linear waste management systems in the South Baltic area towards sustainable, circular waste management systems. Municipalities and citizens are contributing to the creation process in “living labs”, in order to create the best possible solutions for all regional stakeholders.

What was the challenge?

There is a change needed in the Municipal Solid Waste Management (MSWM) sector in the South Baltic area: From a linear to a circular system. The main objective of the project is to implement Integrated Sustainable Waste Management (ISWM) systems that will decrease the pollution from the waste management sector and at the same time ensure the effective recycling of municipal waste resources.

What is the project creating?

WASTEMAN is creating a Design Manual for co-design of Integrated Sustainable Waste Management (ISWM) systems to build design strategies in the South Baltic area.

Next to the Design Manual, WASTEMAN creates User Applications for integrated, sustainable recycling of municipal waste fractions:

  • integrating the value chain of collection,
  • treatment and
  • utilization of waste resources.

WASTEMAN furthermore creates a Management Toolbox which comprises management guidelines and case stories, to provide a framework for implementation and dissemination of the ISWM model.

Project Website

Find the WASTEMAN Project Website here.

Full Project description

The project addresses the needed change of the Municipal Solid Waste Management (MSWM) sector in the South Baltic from a linear to a circular system. The main objective of the project is to implement Integrated Sustainable Waste Management (ISWM) systems that will decrease the pollution from the waste management sector and at the same time ensure the effective recycling of municipal waste resources. The project implements ISWM systems in the MSWM sector through three main outputs that address the three basic objectives of the ISWM system:

  • working together with multiple stakeholders,
  • building a stable service value chain,
  • enabling sustainable value aspects.

The first output is a Design Manual for co-design of ISWM systems which supports the building of design strategies in cooperation with the municipal stakeholders of the South Baltic area. The second output is a comprehensive package of innovative User Applications for integrated, sustainable recycling of municipal waste fractions. The User Applications represents user oriented innovative solutions, integrating the value chain of collection, treatment and utilization of waste resources. The third output is a Management Toolbox which comprises management guidelines and casestories, which represents a framework for implemetation and dissemination of the ISWM model. The complete ISWM systems will be produced in a cross border cooperation ensuring a circular change in the South Baltic area. The technology and management system exchange provides added value from the partners through the cross-border cooperation.

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Lead Partner:

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Lead Partner:

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