The Green and Blue Cooperation project plans to create basis for network of cooperation with other ecological actors around the SB area. This should allow increasing the capacity of local actors to establish relationships with foreign actors and to transfer good practices between the coastal areas in the field of cooperation, pro-environmental actions and, in the future, other fields. The rationale for the project is the low level of the cooperation to date and the lack of capacity to implement a broad cooperation. Through establishment of the network the project will expand the partners’ knowledge on the rules of cooperation between actors from different countries (management, cooperation with lawyers) and their language skills. It will also enable them to establish relations (meetings, joint working team), exchange of good practices (study visit), information (Cooperation Specialist) and substantively strengthen the partnership (expert reports, workshops). It is expected that the institutional development of the local partners will result in the blooming of contacts, joint undertakings and exchange of good practices between smaller actors, residents and economic actors in the area of their activity.
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