CATCH – Coastal Angling Tourism – a development chance for the South Baltic Region


Lead partner

Name: University of Rostock, Faculty of Interdisciplinary Research
Address: Albert-Einstein-Str. 21, 18051 Rostock
Region/Subregion: Kreisfreie Stadt Rostock
Country: Germany

Project Partners Member States


Name: Nida Culture and Tourism Information Centre "Agila"
Address: Taikos 4, 93121 Neringa
Region/Subregion: Klaipedos apskritis
Country: Lithuania

Name: Municipality of Vordingborg
Address: Valdemarsgade 43, postbox 200, 4760 Vordingborg
Region/Subregion: Vest-og Sydsjalland
Country: Denmark

Name: EUCC - The Coastal Union Germany
Country: Germany

Name: Klaipeda University
Address: Herkaus Manto 84, 92294 Klaipeda
Region/Subregion: Klaipedos apskritis
Country: Lithuania

Name: Green Federation GAJA
Address: ul. 5 Lipca 45, 70-374 Szczecin
Region/Subregion: Miasto Szczecin
Country: Poland

Category of intervention


Coastal angling tourism offers a unique development chance for the SB Region, especially for less developed coastal regions and even outside the holiday season. It is a new touristic trend and offers diversification of coastal tourism with promising market opportunities. For example, in Germany the number of coastal anglers is about 163.000 with a direct spending of 920 € per angler and year, whereas the total annual spending (incl. indirect spending) amounts to 1.590 € – a multiplier effect of 1.8 per € directly spent. Based on the increasing sales of coastal tourist fishing licenses in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern within the last years (day tickets – 2014: 33.686, 2012: 25.833; week tickets – 2014: 33.710, 2012: 24.722) it is obvious that angling tourism has a great potential. Significant spill-over effects (accommodation industry, gastronomy, etc.) can be expected and further synergies, e.g. combined offers with the health tourism sector or professional fisherman who make use of tourists and establish an additional financial pillar. But angling tourism is still a niche market based on very local initiatives and angler-to-angler-communication. To change this, it is indispensable to cooperate across borders and jointly promote coastal angling and its economic potentials. In this regard, CATCH will increase the capability of coastal communities to establish sustainable angling tourism, deliver improved measures for touristic providers and will combine all new knowledge in an innovative information and knowledge platform on coastal angling tourism. It will provide information for angling tourists and inhabitants necessary for planning, booking and performing an angling trip to unique coastal sites. In order to ensure the durability, tools for selling the platform will be created and in new tourism packages implemented. This will result in an increased popularity of coastal angling in the SB Region and will strengthen the economic welfare in this less developed regions.

Project website

Find the CATCH Project website here.

Find the CATCH official YouTube channel here.

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Lead Partner:

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Programme measure:

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Lead Partner:

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Programme measure:

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Lead Partner:

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Programme measure:

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Lead Partner:

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see details
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