Project description
The European Union faces a substantial challenge of achieving its Europe2020 goals of increasing energy efficiency by 20%, but also decreasing the CO2-emissions. Moreover, as the world’s largest importer of energy, the EU has ahead of itself the increasing need for vast investments and modernisation of its existing infrastructure, such as DH (District Heating) grids, the leading heating source in the Baltic Sea Region (BSR). With the improvements in the infrastructure, it is possible to decrease the dependency on the usage of Coal and Russian Gas, which will further provide a foundation for increasing energy efficiency. The Nordic countries have also shown that the DH system is an efficient tool in reducing fossil fuel dependency and moving into circular economy. However, the main drawback with DH is the capital need and inefficient operation (losses), as seen by the low return on capital and a massive replacement need. Additionally, there is also the need to attract a new generation of educated employees and more females.
The BSAM project aims to solves these challenges using the Smart Asset Management (SAM) process, which is based on data driven predictive and preventative maintenance methods. And the objectives of the project are: the identification of barriers and success factors for the development and implementation of SAM; the digitalisation of DH Distribution Networks; the development of nationally adapted methods for condition monitoring of the DH networks and Learning; and the full utilization of modern ICT-tools for Data Driven Predictive Maintenance of DH networks.
It is predicted that SAM will bring environmental benefits to the Baltic Sea region and will provide more affordable heat for the end customers by using their existing assets and resources longer and more efficiently (fuel and energy saving). Moreover, the BSR is already the leading region in the world in the field of District Heating, and further improvements and investments will allow it to take the global lead, generating new start-ups and tech companies, and stimulating economic growth in the BSR in the process.
Project website
Find the BSAM Project website here.