What changed with BBVET?
VET students are less likely to go abroad for a part of their education than university students. BBVET is creating the basis for a program to change this – an international Vocational Education and Training (VET) program for Mechatronics and EdTech in the South Baltic area.
What was the challenge?
Creating an international VET program requires a lot of fundamental work. The students’ performance (credits) need to be recognized in the home countries, the learning content needs to be divided among institutions, the validation needs to be unified. Students need to apply for grants, institutions need to enter partnerships.
What did the project create?
The project BBVET laid the ground work for a future integration of an international VET program into national or regional education plans in the South Baltic area.
Project Outputs
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Project description
Schools and other institutions providing vocational/adult training need to adapt to the new market conditions in order to give an adequate response to the market needs. The question of internationalisation of vocational education and training (VET) is not a matter of choice, but a matter of necessity. Companies participating in cross-border collaborations create contacts for internationalisation, export and product development by forming networks of cluster where both the educational and business sector interacts together.
Today the crediting of VET competencies (ECVET) exists and is recognized by all countries, however, up until today there are no practical experiences in using this tool for either companies or schools. BBVET is creating awareness and opening up new opportunities in creating a dialogue with authorities, schools and companies that will lead to practical know-how about common validation methods and new models supporting cross-border collaboration.
The aim is to develop and piloting the first international cross-border VET Education in the green and blue sector, involving 40 students and 5 countries. Practical experience and analyses of national curricula together with ECVET regulations in the specific vocational fields are a main part of the project. This will promote steps towards internationalisation of VET schools and regional companies.
Companies benefit from an interregional labour market for international business cooperation’s with access to a new skilled and qualified labour force across borders.
VET schools in cross-border cooperation become more competitive and gain practical experience in Erasmus mobility.
On a policy level (Ministry for Economy, Ministry for Education) the benefits are practice-proofed approaches of labour mobility and practice-proofed approaches of validation.