Who we are (Programme bodies)

Who we are (Programme bodies)


  • National Authorities are appointed by each Member State (country) participating in the Programme.  It’s role is to support the Managing Authority in the implementation of the Programme in its own territory. Relevant functions are vested in:

    • Polish Ministry of Development Funds and Regional Policy (MA),
    • Danish Business Authority,
    • Ministry of Economics, Infrastructure, Tourism and Labour of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern,
    • Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of Lithuania,
    • Ministry of Rural Affairs and Infrastructure of Sweden.

    The NAs are ensuring overall sound Programme management and implementation.

    Contact details are here (section Programme Authorities).

  • Managing Authority is an executive body in charge of the general implementation of the Programme on behalf of the Member States. It performs an overall coordination role and ensures that all Programme bodies work together.  The MA is the party to the Subsidy Contracts and disbursement payments to projects and applies for the return of funds by a project if irregularities are found. All those functions in the Programme are performed by:

    • Polish Ministry of Development Funds and Regional Policy.

    Contact details are here (section Programme Authorities).

  • Joint Secretariat is the day-to-day operational body responsible for informing on the Programme, organizing the Calls for Proposals, managing of the projects’ selection process, assistance and monitoring of the projects’ implementation. The JS is the first contact source for projects under implementation. The JS team is composed from international officers and all services are provided in English. The details of JS are:

    • Joint Secretariat of the Interreg South Baltic Programme in Gdańsk, Poland.

    Contact details are here.

  • Contact Points ale located regionally in the Member States and create a network of organisations supporting a project development process. They are the first source of information about the Programme for potential applicants and project partners. The CPs secure the visibility of the Programme, facilitate the partner search, carry out training sessions, information meetings and give consultations. The CPs services are provided in national languages.

    Contact details are here (section Contact Points).

  • First Level Controllers are entitled to and responsible for verification of expenditure declared by the project partners in their reports (at the stage of projects’ implementation) located in each respective Member State. Its main tasks and responsibilities include cooperation with project partners in the auditing process at the partner level by verifying the eligibility of the expenditures declared, and compliance of the expenditure with the Programme rules, EC, and national legislative acts.

    The two different FLC systems are recognised in the Programme, depending on the country of origin:

    • centralised system in Poland and Sweden – the controlling institutions are appointed by Member States of the Programme,
    • decentralised system in Denmark, Germany and Lithuania – project partners shall appoint the controller individually based on General principles of the First Level Control.

    The details of the control system in the Programme can be found in the Programme Manual (Chapter VI, Section 6) and in the General principles of First Level Control.

  • The Audit Authority is responsible for auditing the system and operations by performing the ‘second level control’. The AA checks if the audit work complies with internationally accepted audit standards when carrying out audits on the MA, the JS and on the First Level Controllers. The AA is represented by:

    • Polish Ministry of Finance.

    Contact details are here (section Programme Authorities).