The Monitoring Committee of the Interreg South Baltic Programme 2021-2027, during its meeting organised on the 24th of October, decided to open the 4th call for regular projects as well as the 2nd Small-scale projects call between 5th of November 2024 and 4th of February 2025.
The 4th call for regular projects will be open in the following Programme Measures:
- Measure 1.1 Digitalising the region
- Measure 2.1 Supporting transition towards green energy
- Measure 2.2 Promoting sustainable use of water
- Measure 3.1 Developing sustainable, resilient, and innovative tourism
- Measure 4.1 Strengthen the cooperation capacity of actors based within the South Baltic Area (including civil society)
Detailed information about the 4th call will be included to the announcement and supporting documents that will be published on the 5th of November 2025. Besides requirements specified in the Programme Manual and its Annexes, the Programme introduces the following requirements for the 4th regular call for proposals. Not meeting these requirements will result in the rejection of the project under the scope of Admissibility & Eligibility checks.
- Measure 1.1 Digitalising the region
- Projects must contribute to output indicator RCO04 – Enterprises with non-financial support
- Projects must contribute to output indicator RCO14 – Public institutions supported to develop digital services, products and processes. Consequently, projects must contribute to result indicator RCR11 – Users of new and upgraded public digital services, products, and processes
- Measure 2.1 Supporting transition towards green energy
- Projects must contribute to the obligatory output RCO116 – Jointly developed solutions and consequently to result indicator RCR104 – Solutions taken up or upscaled by organisations with at least 2 solutions
- Measure 2.2 Promoting sustainable use of water
- Projects must contribute to the obligatory output RCO116 – Jointly developed solutions and consequently to result indicator RCR104 – Solutions taken up or upscaled by organisations with at least 2 solutions
- Measure 3.1 Developing sustainable, resilient, and innovative tourism
- Projects must contribute to the obligatory output RCO116 – Jointly developed solutions and consequently to result indicator RCR104 – Solutions taken up or upscaled by organisations with at least 2 solutions
- Measure 4.1 Strengthen the cooperation capacity of actors based within the South Baltic Area (including civil society)
- At least 1/3 of project partners must be newcomers.*
Parallel to the 4th regular calls for proposals between the 5th of November 2024 and the 4th of February 2025, the Programme also opens the 2nd Small-scale projects call in Programme Measure 4.1 – Strengthen the cooperation capacity of actors based within the South Baltic Area (including civil society). Detailed information about the 2nd Small-scale projects call will be included to the Terms of Reference (ToR) that will be published on the 5th of November 2025. The main novelty compared to the 1st Small-scale projects call is that SMEs will be eligible project partners, as well as the requirement that at least 1/3 of project partners must be newcomers.*
The Programme will provide various measures to support project development. On the 3rd of December 2024 in Gdansk, the JS will organise a partner search event that will also include an information session on project development. Additionally, lead partners are strongly recommended to take part in individual project consultations that will be organised as a two-step process. Between the end of November 2024 and the middle of December 2024, regional consultations with the participation of Project Officers from the JS and Contact Points will be organised that focus on strategic issues, e.g., relevance, cross-border character, partnership. In January 2025 the JS organises the second round of individual project consultations that will focus on more technical topics, e.g. work plan, budget, etc.
The registration for the Partner search event as well as for individual consultations will open on the 5th of November 2024.
* Definition of a newcomer: a project partner organisation that did not participate as a project partner in approved regular projects in the Interreg South Baltic Programme 2014-2020 as well as is not involved as a project partner in approved regular and small-scale projects in the Interreg South Baltic Programme 2021-2027. Together with the call announcement, a list of organisations that are not considered as newcomers will be published.
Required number of newcomers in partnerships of different sizes:
Number of project partners | Minimum number of newcomer organisations as project partners |
2-4 PPs | 1 newcomer PP |
5-7 PPs | 2 newcomer PPs |
8-10 PPs | 3 newcomer PPs |
11-13 PPs | 4 newcomer PPs |
14-16 PPs | 5 newcomer PPs |
More than 16 PPs | Following the same way of calculation as above. |