• Your organisation has a legal personality;
  • Your organisation is based in the eligible area (in exceptional and well-justified cases, project partners can be located outside the eligible Programme area; see section III.2 of the Programme Manual);
  • Your organisation faces a challenge / an opportunity related to SME internationalisation or SME innovation, sustainable
  • transport or tourism, green technologies, human resource or cooperation capacities;
  • The challenge / opportunity requires joint actions across borders;
  • The joint action can be accomplished by your organisation and your partner organisation(s) from (an)other Member State(s);
  • The joint action will be carried out in the Programme eligible area;
  • The joint action corresponds with a Programme specific objective.

The Programme provides co-financing from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) for cooperation activities between two or more organisations from at least two participating Member States. The funds available for cross-border efforts that unlock the potential for blue and green growth amount to ca. 78 M EUR. The co-financing rate for Polish, Lithuanian and German beneficiaries is up to 85% of their eligible project costs, while Swedish and Danish beneficiaries receive up to 75% of ERDF co-financing. The ERDF co-financing is paid on the basis of semi-annual reimbursements.