State aid & de minimis aid

State aid & de minimis aid


The State aid is a European Commission term which refers to forms of assistance from a public body or publicly-funded body, given to undertakings engaged in economic commercial activity on a selective basis, with the potential to distort competition and affect trade between member states of the European Union. Undertaking is understood as a project partner participating in a project.

Both State aid or de minimis aid can be awarded in the Programme:

  • directly – by the Managing Authority to the project partner,
  • indirectly – by the project partner to the final recipient of the project activities (an undertaking conducting economic activity in compliance with the definition of State aid).

Indirect aid includes, e.g., participation in training or workshops implemented within a project. In these workshops, a benefit (e.g., specific knowledge, skills or rights, licences) is received not by the project partner but by the final recipient in the project. The so-called final recipient receives economic advantage which would have to be paid for under normal market conditions.

The state aid is assessed case by case per project per project partner. More on the intensity of aid in the Programme and the assessment process can be found in Chapter IV, point 9 anf ANNEX 6 Project selection process and criteria of the Programme Manual.

The name and number of the aid program granted by the European Commission are:

  • State aid under Interreg programs for 2021-2027
  • State aid scheme number: SA.111014

  • The State aid in the Interreg South Baltic Programme is awarded based on:

    • Article 20 GBER up to the amount of EUR 2.2 million per undertaking, per project (direct State aid),
    • Article 20a GBER up to the amount of EUR 22 000 per undertaking, per project (direct or indirect State aid).
  • De minimis aid constitutes a special category of aid awarded by the state. It is considered that due to its small value, it does not result in distortion of competition on the EU internal market.

    General rules concerning de minimis aid are:

    • the threshold is up to 300 000 EUR from one Member State,
    • the threshold (cumulative amount) cannot be exceed over any period of  past three years (3 x 365 days) for an undertaking,
    • it concerns one undertaking (all entities legally influenced by another one are treated as one undertaking).

Forms and statements

English version

Polish version

Regulatory documents

Training materials

The Managing Authority for the Programme conducted a training on aplicable regulations for the State aid and de minimis aid in Interreg Programmes 2021-2027.

We encourage you to familiarise with the recorded material from the training as a supplement to the published materials and documents.

The video is recorded in Polish with the option of English subtitles.

Note: The amounts of public aid referred to in the training materials have increased following the amendment of the Commission Regulation (EU) No 651/2014 of 17 June 2014 declaring certain categories of aid compatible with the internal market in application of Articles 107 and 108 of the Treaty.

The applicable amounts are given in the State Aid Manual.

00:08 – 1. Who is a beneficiary of state aid?

13:37 – 2. What are the conditions of state aid?

16:27 – 3. Which funds are public?

20:56 – 4. What is an economic advantage?

24:04 – 5. What is selectivity?

27:20 – 6. When does a distortion of competition occur?

34:03 – 7. When does the impact on trade occur?

47:57 – 8. State aid and de minimis aid in the context of the conditions of the aid.

54:54 – 9. What are direct and indirect aids? Levels of assistance.

1:00:18 – 10. De minimis aid.

1:37:31 – 11. State aid granted on the basis of Article 20 of the GBER.

1:45:27 – 12. State aid granted on the basis of Article 20a of the GBER.

1:53:09 – 13. What responsibilities do you have when applying for aid?

2:01:26 – 14. What responsibilities do you have when providing aid?

2:19:10 – 15. Conclusion.