The progress report is the main instrument for project monitoring. Reports serve as tool for the lead partners to follow up on the activities and costs incurred among the project partners and as a tool for the Joint Secretariat (JS) to monitor the general and financial progress of implementation. Reports are the main and only instrument to request for reimbursement for project expenditures.
Reporting in the Programme is done on two levels:
- Reporting at the partner level (partner progress report) – for all projects partners (incl. lead partners),
- Reporting at the project level (project progress report) – for Lead Partner.
Reporting (incl. costs settlements) takes place fully in the online form via CST2021 system. The system covers also process of changes in the project and correspondence both with First Level Controllers and the Joint Secretariat (for lead partners).
Reporting deadlines
Project implementation is divided into 2 cycles of 6-month reporting periods:
- Reporting period: from 1 January to 30 June -> partner progress report to FLC: 15 July -> project progress report to JS: 28 October
- Reporting period: from 1 July to 31 December -> partner progress report to FLC: 15 January -> project progress report to JS: 30 April
- Reporting period: from 1 April to 30 September -> partner progress report to FLC: 15 October -> project progress report to JS: 28 January
- Reporting period: from 1 October to 31 March -> partner progress report to FLC: 15 April -> project progress report to JS: 28 July
Note: different rules may apply in justified cases i.e. 0-report and small-scale and seed money reporting routine (see relevant Terms of Reference for the exact call for proposals).
Access to the CST2021
Each project partner independently manages the rights of other users in his entity. A project manager in the CST2021 system (1st authorized person, registered during the process of clarifications) has the rights to add new authorized persons, change their scope of permissions, and block or unblock access to the project.
It is recommended to share the role of the project manager with another employee (by selecting relevant permissions in the system) to ensure continuity of work in case of absence.
There is no need to apply to the JS to create an account for another employee.
Technical details are included in the SL2021 – Projects Beneficiary Manual (pdf) published below.
Manuals for CST2021
Interreg South Baltic Programme 2021-2027 – Other implementing documents SL2021
pdf 72 pages 2.47 MBpdf 72 pages 2.47 MB
pdf 48 pages 1.67 MBpdf 48 pages 1.67 MB
pdf 48 pages 1.24 MBpdf 48 pages 1.24 MB
pdf 108 pages 1.72 MBpdf 108 pages 1.72 MB
pdf 20 pages 0.45 MBpdf 20 pages 0.45 MB
pdf 27 pages 0.57 MBpdf 27 pages 0.57 MB
xlsm 0.03 MBxlsm 0.03 MB
Euro conversion rate
The official currency of the Programme is the euro. All amounts detailed in the Subsidy Contracts and progress reports must be calculated and presented in Euro.
Official monthly exchange rate can be found at:
pdf 16 pages 1.01 MBpdf 16 pages 1.01 MB