The preparation of the project proposal is a complex process that requires knowledge, competencies, and field expertise from the project partners. This process requires several steps which are necessary to form a project proposal relevant to the Programme:
The identified problem
To what problem will the project contribute a solution? What needs and challenges will be addressed by the project?
Target groups and stakeholders
What problems of the target groups will be addressed? Who will benefit from the project?
Building cross-border partnership
Make sure the involved partners are eligible in accordance with the Programme rules, and relevant to solve the identified problem.
Project objectives, results and outputs
Identify the project objectives (what do you want to achieve?) and results (what do you want to change?). Select the most appropriate Programme Measure. Apply the outputs and results from the pre-defined list for the relevant Measure.
Project activities
Which actions, tools and methodologies will be implemented to achieve the results and objectives? Think of the ways to communicate and disseminate the project results to the stakeholders and target groups, as well as the wider public.
Project timeframe
How much time is needed to carry out all activities and achieve the planned outputs and results? Set the project timeframe with the determined start and end dates.
Project budget
Form a project budget covering all financial needs to implement the project and achieve the results.
Preparing the Application Form
Create a profile of the lead applicant organisation in the WOD2021 Application system. Collect the necessary documents from the project partners and associated partners.
Submitting the Application Form
Complete and submit the Application form and all the required attachments via the WOD2021 Application system within the open call for proposals.
The rules and requirements set by the Programme can be found in the Programme Manual. The Manual summarizes i.a. types of actions supported, partnership requirements, eligibility issues, obligations of partners as well as defines Project selection process and criteria (Annex 6).
Applicants are welcome to consult their project ideas with the Contact Points located in the Programme regions and with the Joint Secretariat before submitting the project proposal!
Note: The Programme provides co-financing from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) for cooperation activities between two or more organisations from at least two participating Member States.
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