CoBiUM – Cargo bikes in urban mobility


Lead partner

Name: City of Växjö
Address: Västra Esplanaden 18, P.O. Box 1222, SE-351 12 Växjö
Region/Subregion: Kronobergs län
Country: Sweden

Project Partners Member States


Name: Energy Agency for Southeast Sweden Ltd. (ESS)
Address: Smedjegatan 37, 35246 Vaxjö
Region/Subregion: Blekinge län
Country: Sweden

Name: Danish Cycling Tourism
Address: Romersgade 5, 1362 Kobenhavn
Region/Subregion: Other
Country: Denmark

Name: City of Gdynia
Address: al. Marsz. Piłsudskiego 52/54 81-382 Gdynia
Region/Subregion: Pomorskie
Country: Poland

Name: University of Greifswald, Institute of Geography
Address: Domstraße 11 17487 Greifswald
Region/Subregion: Mecklenburg-Vorpommern
Country: Germany

Name: The City of Slupsk
Address: Plac Zwycięstwa 3, 76-200 Słupsk
Region/Subregion: Słupski
Country: Poland

Category of intervention


Project description

The overall objective of CoBiUM is to reduce car-traffic and parking pressure in urban areas – relieving roads, making them safer and creating new space, reduce air pollution and noise emissions and as a consequence improve the quality of living in Baltic cities. At a higher level the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions is a strategic objective of this project.
CoBiUM will focus on three thematic areas: private users, municipal services and business logistics.
CoBiUM will offer innovative and sustainable solutions, helping municipalities in the South Baltic area to integrate cargo bikes into their urban mobility concepts. At the same time the knowledge about the potential of cargo bikes and their acceptance among private users and businesses will be improved through targeted communication and campaigning – at project level as well as at local level.
In CoBiUM the partners will carry out pilots (with small scale-investments) in one or more of the three thematic areas (private use, municipal services and business logistics). The pilots themselves as well as the accompanying communication and campaigning will take into account the different levels of advancement in the respective country with regard to cycling culture and mobility behaviour.
There will be a sound evaluation plan in place before the pilots start. From comparing the findings from the individual pilots and the lessons learned the partners will jointly be able to draw conclusions, identify good practice examples and produce guidelines with communication strategies and advice on the measures’ transferability with regard to the different development levels of bicycle mobility in the different countries. This will also ensure a broad transferability and uptake of good practice examples throughout the entire South Baltic area.

Project website

Find the CoBiUM Project website here.

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Programme measure:

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Lead Partner:

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Programme measure:

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see details
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