The main aim of the STEP project is to develop tools to increase the quality of sewage sludge that can be reused for water treatment plants of small and medium size. Small waste water treatment plants in the South Baltic area are facing problem with sewage sludge reuse efficiency. The existing tools are mostly developed for big WWTP. The successful implementation of the project will provide a new dimension for the quality of sewage sludge.
The specific objectives of the project are:
– reuse of nutrients and lower pollution of the outflowing water;
– to affect better situation regarding heavy metal pollution and incoming water content in the SBR;
– to create a robust network of different scientific and technical entities established both at WPUT and at partnering organisations so that a creative environment can be developed for innovative solutions leading to generation of projections of future of use of a good quality sewage sludge, this will make it possible to respond to this challenge also at the European level;
– to transfer projections of the use of sewage sludge to planning agencies and political authorities in the Baltic Sea area;
– to educate the society and to increase public awareness and let the public understand the challenges that the water treatment plants are facing;
– to exchange the good practices of the use of different sludge handling technologies between different countries and municipalities.
Three main work axes are planned: clean sludge (measurements, sensors, heavy metal detection and pollutant removal technologies, leackage control), energy efficiency (efficient sludge handling, dewatering, composting) and nutrient reuse (optimized nutrient content, efficient composting, modern deodorization). STEP consist of partners having knowledge in different phases of waste water purification and sludge handling that could be adopted in other countries. The challenge for the project will be to synchronise the international work on common tasks.
Project website
Find the STEP Project website here.