ELMAR deals with marine electric mobility from a business development perspective. // The segment of production, maintenance and use of electric boats & ships is rapidly growing. Demand is in place but hitherto mainly on foreign sales markets (e.g. alpine lakes with ban of internal combustion engines). Some South Baltic companies already produce electric boats & ships (e.g. “Solliner”, Green Dream Boats / PL, “Fährbär”, Ostseestaal / DE) or components for them, as part of supply chains that necessarily reach beyond SBA (e.g. main e-motor producers are from Austria). // ELMAR fosters the wider adaption of South Baltic economy to marine e-mobility. It supports SMEs to enter the international supply chains as well as to access foreign sales markets for boats & ships with electric propulsions. In order to do so, the project: (a) Provides knowledge on marine e-mobility & orientation for business development – e.g. through sales market analyses & study tours to real world examples; (b) Supplies SMEs with concrete know how for product development within international supply chains – e.g. through seminars & “open source” boats being built within a transparent construction process; (c) Creates arenas for B2B matchmaking (e.g. web platform, meetings) and encourages start-ups & innovations (e.g. competitions & coaching); (d) Assists marketing on foreign sales markets (e.g. joint fair visits) and takes actions to develop the SBA home market (e.g. feasibility studies, dialog events with buyers, demo tours). // The project consortium consists of business support organizations, R&D institutions and main boatbuilding & shipbuilding clusters from DE, PL, LT as well as SE & DK (associated). This set up ensures high quality of the outputs, safeguards broad and direct involvement of SMEs into the activities – and is further evidence that marine electric mobility has promising potentials to generate green & blue growth in the South Baltic area.
Project website
Find ELMAR Project Website here.