Project description
The project involves five partners from Sweden (2), Denmark (2) and Poland (1). The partnership is composed of associations of municipalities and communes, municipality, business incubator & science park and municipal centre for strategy and innovation. The partners are supported by 2 associated partners (association of local authorities, regional authority). The project is led by Municipality of Hässleholm – EU office Skane Nordost from Sweden.
The overall idea of the project is to increase the municipalities’ and other local organisations’ international expertise and activity through network building and increased capacity in order to create the conditions and demonstrate the benefits of transnational cooperation and cross-border networks.
The project activities include mainly workshops for networking and experience exchange for local actors who are stakeholders in the given workshop theme:
Two workshops related to blue growth such as maritime and coastal tourism, coastal protection, water innovation and environmental monitoring;
Two workshops related to green growth such as renewable energy, environmental management, green constructions, sustainable tourism, land-, forestry- and agriculture management;
Two workshops related to sustainable urban development; elderly care and age-friendly cities.
The main target groups are municipal officials and politicians involved in development process / projects as well as in blue and green growth, EU coordinators.
Project website
Find SBPIN Project Website here.