Project description
The project involves seven partners representing four countries (Poland, Sweden, Denmark and Lithuania) as well as 2 associated partners located in Sweden and Poland. The partnership as well as associated organisations mainly involves the representatives of education sector (universities) as well as organisations representing and supporting SMEs (chambers of commerce, development agencies) and connected to the research and innovation area (research centre, institutes).
The overall idea of the project is to integrate selected elements of the circular economy into the blue and green tourism companies’ services, products and business models by minimizing the environmental impact of those products and services. As a result those companies are going to be enabled to take maximum value from the products while it is going to be possible to recover / reuse its materials at the end and regenerate during its life-cycle.
The project’s activities start with mapping best practices, state of the art and potential in South Baltic and drafting the recommendations regarding circular economy for stakeholders. In next step development, validation and application of self- assessment tool, development of training programme and pilot training for tourism SMEs are foreseen. Further the project is going to develop and conduct pilot testing of advisory services for SMEs and integrate the training programme and advisory services into one modular programme. At the end of the project, the recommendations are going to be updated with the actual experience from project’s pilot actions. According to the applicant implementation of those activities are going to help to reduce gaps in skills, innovation capacity and environmental consciousness among tourism companies in South Baltic Area.
The main target groups are blue and green tourism SMEs which are going to receive trainings and advisory services, as well as for local authorities, SMEs associations.
Project website
Find the CIRTOINNO Project Website here.