With the overall aim of starting the establishment of low carbon logistic structures in four locations within the SB-region, giving them best practice status towards widest possible adaptation, the project will be organised as follows:
- Analysis of preconditions (flows, type of goods, stakeholders, guidelines etc.).
- Joint development of a low carbon logistics concept for towns and rural areas in the SB region, which will be done jointly by the pilot regions and an international consortium of transport and mobility experts.
- The joint concept will serve as the basis for local/regional working plans+long-term strategies, developed as local adaptations in close cooperation with relevant players.
- In its last stage, the project will start the active implementation of the determined measures and solutions, one pilot measure per region included.
The whole process is designed to be continued after the project towards a holistic low carbon logistic area in accordance with the international concept. To achieve this, this work will be accompanied by extensive public acceptance measures from the very beginning, which includes campaign work, but also the development and recommendation of business models related to low carbon logistics, the creation of an international label for low carbon logistics institutions and learning from best practices by different means. A third field of project activities aims to merge the national expertise of the involved expert partners for optimum international use and to ensure that this expertise plus the additional knowhow gained via the project work will remain available for active use during and after the project: For this, an international consultancy structure will be established and lastingly operated towards supporting specific regions with the green logistics attempts, guidance on green policy instruments relevant for this work included.