We need your feedback for the European Committee of the Regions

We need your feedback for the European Committee of the Regions


The European Committee of the Regions (CoR) continues the elimination of obstacles faced by citizens living in border regions, whose impact on daily lives became even more apparent during the COVID-19 crisis. It is important to maintain the opportunities that open borders to people in a crisis situation. Following the experiences stemming from the COVID 19 pandemic, and to reflect on the future, the CoR, together with the European Cross Border Citizens’ Alliance, is working on defining the vision for long-term cross-border cooperation.  

To reach a balanced vision, the CoR launched a public consultation on the joint vision of the long-term future of cross-border cooperation in the European Union. Based on the feedback received, the European Committee of the Regions will adopt a Resolution at July 2021 plenary. The Resolution will present concrete proposals for the future of cross-border cooperation and represent the official contribution of the CoR, and the European Cross Border Citizens’ Alliance, members to the Conference on the Future of Europe.

We would like to know what the general public and the Interreg South Baltic Programme’s stakeholders working on cross-border issues think that should be addressed in the proposal.  

The public consultation is available here in all EU languages, and the deadline for contributions is 14th of March 2021.

*source: the European Committee of the Regions