The DG REGIO’s Interreg Volunteer Youth (IVY) initiative continues in 2021, and since January about 30 volunteers have already been deployed in Interreg Programmes and Projects to promote, support and report on Territorial Cooperation.
The Association of European Border Regions (AEBR) help Interreg, IPA-CBC and ENI-CBC Programmes and Projects to host young volunteers for a period of 2 to 6 months to assist in communication activities and help in the implementation of projects. Volunteers receive full insurance coverage from AEBR, as well as financial support, according to the European Solidarity Corps of which IVY is part.
IVY volunteers can help in communicating via social media and in strengthening the visibility of Interreg projects. Programmes and projects fulfilling the commitment to get closer to citizens and young people, according to the Manifesto for Young People by Young People to Shape the European Cooperation Policy. And, through the possibility to organise Citizens’ Engagement Activities on behalf of the European Commission, IVY volunteers can offer new ways to communicate about Cohesion Policy in your region. All of this can also be achieved online in consideration of the current pandemic: volunteering remotely as well as digital events are possible.
Find more information to apply here
Here you can find the text targeting project beneficiaries.
Contact the IVY team at
Source: Association of European Border Regions (AEBR)