Premiere of the eBook – the Interreg South Baltic 2014-2020 Project Book


The new programming perspective 2021-2027 is ongoing. The first call for proposals is on and future beneficiaries consult their project ideas with the JS staff.

During the last programming perspective, the Interreg South Baltic Programme co-financed 64 regular projects. All of the project partners did an enormous piece of work which deserves to be summarised and spread around and their knowledge should be re-used and capitalised. Organisations from five countries now have the chance to reconnect as project partners and create a new future for our region based on their own experiences. This is one of the reasons why in the Joint Secretariat we created the Interreg South Baltic 2014-2020 Project Book. This interactive electronic publication should also serve as a valuable database of all regular projects co-financed in the 2014-2020 programming perspective.

The Project Book consists of project partners’ names, locations, hyperlinked websites and other communication platforms. It gives the reader the possibility to flip it through in an online mode (make sure to have sound on to hear the calming sound of flipping paper pages!), as well as download the full publication. It can be easily shared by using a URL link or a QR code.

The pdf version is available here.

We hope that you find it useful!