Projects from the 1st call for proposals selected for funding by the Monitoring Committee


As the result of the 1st regular call for proposals, 11 projects have been selected for funding by the Monitoring Committee (MC) of the Interreg South Baltic Programme 2021-2027.

On 21th and 22nd June 2023 in Køge, in Denmark, the delegates selected for funding the following projects:

PRIORITY 1 – Innovative South Baltic

•    Programme Measure 1.1 Digitalising the region

AMBeRAdvanced Modeling of Baltic cancer e-caRe (AMBeR)Department of Oncology, Zealand University HospitalDK
CONSIDERATIONCONSIDERATION – COmpeteNceS – Inclusive Digital grEen tRAnsformaTIONRoskilde UniversityDK
T.A.BT.A.B – Innovation Hubs for Tech, Art and BusinessBlue Science ParkSE

•    Programme Measure 1.2 Building connectivity of the region through internationalisation

BBUBaltic Biking UPGRADEPomorska Regionalna Organizacja TurystycznaPL

PRIORITY 2 – Sustainable South Baltic

•    Programme Measure 2.1 Supporting transition towards green energy

DigiTechPort2030DigiTechPort2030 – Decarbonisation of Small Ports’ Ecosystems for Efficient Environmental and Energy Management towards South Baltic Fit for 55Hochschule Wismar, University of Applied Sciences: Technology, Business and DesignDE
BIOSOLFarmBIOSOLFarm – “South baltic farms – an essential part of renewable energy systems”Gdańsk University of TechnologyPL

•    Programme Measure 2.2 Promoting sustainable use of water

LIMITInnovative concepts for sustainable water treatment targeting PFAS and other critical micropollutants from point sources in the South Baltic Sea area – LIMITLund University, Department of Chemical EngineeringSE

•    Programme Measure 2.3 Supporting a circular and more resource efficient development

COPCircular Ocean-bound Plastic (COP)CLEAN ClusterDK
AquaLoopAquaLoop: Aquaculture expert floor for circular economy practiceUniversity of RostockDE
ECONUTEco-designing for the coastal zone nutrient’s circularity (ECONUT)Klaipeda UniversityLT

Total eligible budget of the projects selected for funding by the Monitoring Committee in the 1st call for proposals is 22,320,068.51 EUR.