DG Regio b-solutions initiative launched a call for proposals

DG Regio b-solutions initiative launched a call for proposals


The Association of European Border Regions (AEBR) launched a call for proposals in the framework of b-solutions 2.0. Solving Cross-Border Obstacles initiative with the aim to facilitate cooperation across borders.

Eligible applicants are:

  • public bodies at the national, regional or local level;
  • cross-border entities;
  • bodies governed by public law including “public equivalent bodies”.

Applicants shall be located in an EU Member State or neighbouring EFTA or IPA country and share at least one land or maritime border with another EU Member State. Applicants from an EU member state may also share a border with an EFTA or IPA country.

Promoted by the European Commission’s DG REGIO and managed by the Association of European Border Regions (AEBR), b-solutions is a unique opportunity to receive support for obstacles hindering cross-border cooperation, give visibility to the difficulties that actors in border regions face, and demand for solutions to facilitate the integration of services and projects across borders in the EU.

Through the b-solutions initiative, DG Regio aims at exploiting better border regions’ potential and overcoming existing difficulties, such as reduced accessibility, lack of cross-border public services, fewer incentives for SMEs, etc. These have direct and indirect impacts on regions’ daily life: certain activities are still more complicated to perform across an internal EU border than they are inside a Member State.

More information and the application form can be found here