The overall project objective is to increase the waste plastics circularity in retail chains supported by codesign methodology for better reduction, reuse and recycling of packaging in the South Baltic area. Retail ReLooped rethinks packaging systems for the food retail industry, promoting the transition to a more resource-efficient economy. The project addresses the lack of recycling and excessive generation of waste from packaging of food, drinks and grocery shopping. Through the setting up of living labs in two of the region’s largest retail chains, new systems, practices and green business models will be explored to enable a circular economy that reduces, recycles and reuses packaging materials.
RELOOPED infuses a human-centric innovation approach where innovative packaging technologies and recycling methods are co-designed and evaluated with users, retailers and waste companies. Emphasis is put on the role of experiences, communication and culture as enablers of zero waste systems and lifestyles. The aim is to unfold a new social contract between citizens, producers and shops, stimulating the formation of a more sustainable consumer culture.