Launch of the RegioStars competition 2024

Launch of the RegioStars competition 2024


Every year, the European Commission awards those EU-funded projects, which demonstrate excellence and new approaches in regional development. With the goal of inspiring other regions across Europe, participating projects are in the spotlight of communication activities at European level.

Thematic focus

The REGIOSTARS are awarded to projects in five thematic categories corresponding to cohesion policy objectives:

•    Category 1) A COMPETITIVE AND SMART EUROPE – Promoting competitiveness, innovation and economic resilience 

•    Category 2) A GREEN EUROPE – The green transition as the enabler of regional development 

•    Category 3) A CONNECTED EUROPE –  Enhancing mobility and connectivity between regions 

•    Category 4) A SOCIAL AND INCLUSIVE EUROPE – Achieving a more inclusive Europe by harnessing regional talents 

•    Category 5) A EUROPE CLOSER TO THE CITIZENS –  Fostering the sustainable development of all types of territories 

How to apply?

The Guide for Applicants contains all the necessary information and will guide you through the process are here.

As in previous years, the public will have the opportunity to vote for their favourite finalist for the Public Choice Award. All winners will be announced during the REGIOSTARS ceremony, to be held also during the European Week of Regions and Cities. The winners of the five categories and the public choice award winner will get a local communication campaign managed in cooperation with DG REGIO to promote the awarded activities in the region.

The on-line application platform is open until 31 May 2024. We encourage applications from comparatively less-developed regions within the Interreg South Baltic area. The application refers to completed projects starting earliest on 1 January 2014.