Open call for external quality and state aid assessors


The Joint Secretariat of the Interreg South Baltic Programme 2021-2027 is looking for independent experts from Denmark, Germany, Lithuania, Poland, Sweden, and other EU countries to support the quality assessment and the state aid assessment of project proposals submitted to the Interreg South Baltic programme.

Call for quality assessors

We are looking for professionals having expertise in:

  • digitalisation of different sectors and especially public services
  • internationalisation including technology transfer and cooperation
  • green technology sectors (esp. renewable energy)
  • sustainable water management
  • circular economy (reuse and recycling, circular product development etc.)
  • sustainable tourism
  • capacity building.

Interested experts may submit their applications at any time, however the deadline for participating in the assessment of project proposals received within the second call for proposals is 31 May 2024. Expert applications submitted after this date will be considered only for the assessment of the next calls for project proposals.

The documents necessary to apply can be downloaded here:

Interested experts who fulfil the requirements should submit their applications by e-mail to the following address: and .

Please use the enclosed application form to provide the requested information. The application must be submitted as an electronically signed document or a signed scan.

You may also consider getting familiar with the draft of the Declaration of impartiality.

Experts, that are already included in the pool, do not need to send the applications again. Experts, that sent their application before, but were not included in the pool, have the right to re-apply, having upgraded qualification and/or experience.

In case of questions, contact the JS of the Interreg South Baltic Programme 2021-2027 (email: and )

Call for state aid assessors

We are looking for professionals having expertise in state aid regulations regarding Interreg projects and its operations.

Interested experts may submit their applications at any time, however the deadline for participating in the assessment of project proposals received within the first call for proposals is 31 May 2024. Expert applications submitted after this date will be considered only for the assessment of the next calls for project proposals.

The documents necessary to apply can be downloaded here:

Interested experts who fulfil the requirements should submit their applications by e-mail to the following address: and

Please use the enclosed Application Form to provide the requested information. The Application must be submitted as an electronically signed document or a signed scan.

You may also consider getting familiar with the draft of the Declaration of impartiality.

However, this document will only be required from those experts who will be assigned with the task of assessment.

Experts, that are already included in the pool, do not need to send the applications again. Experts, that sent their application before, but were not included in the pool, have the right to re-apply, having upgraded qualification and/or experience.

In case of questions, do not hesitate to contact the JS of the Interreg South Baltic Programme 2021-2027 (email: and