Projects from the 1st Small-scale call for proposals selected for funding by the Monitoring Committee


On 27th June 2024 the Monitoring Committee of the Interreg South Baltic Programme 2021-2027 in the frame of the 1st Small-scale call for proposals selected for funding 5 projects under 4 Programme Measures 1.1. , 2.2., 3.1. and 4.1. In total the allocated financial resources to these Small-scale projects amount to 947,341.00 EUR (757,872.80 EUR ERDF)

The decision of the Monitoring Committee of the Interreg South Baltic Programme 2021-2027 on the 1st Small-scale projects selection is presented in the table below:

Programme MeasureAcronymProject nameLP CountryLP name
1.1 Digitilising the regionAIKnowITHub for AI and IT Knowledge and cooperation between universities and SMEsLTKlaipeda University
1.1 Digitilising the regionDigclimActClimate Action in South Baltic Cities Goes DigitalPLGdansk University of Technology
2.2 Promoting sustainable use of waterBLUE CRESCENTPromoting the blue economy by establishing a protected area across the maritime border of Poland, Sweden and LithuaniaLTAdministration of Lithuania Minor Protected Areas
3.1 Developing sustainable, resilient and innovative tourismMental and Sustainable MindscapesRaising awareness & competences of benefits of intersecting mental wellbeing and environmentally friendly tourism in the SB regionPLPolish Union of Active Mobility (PUMA)
4.1 Strengthen the cooperation capacity of actors based within the South Baltic Area (incl. civil society)YMHAYouth Mental Health AlliancePLMunicipal Family Support Center