Projects from the 3rd call for proposals selected for funding by the Monitoring Committee.

On 24 October 2024, during an online meeting, as a result of the 3rd regular call for proposals, the Monitoring Committee of the Interreg South Baltic Programme 2021-2027 selected the following projects for funding:


PRIORITY 2 - Sustainable South Baltic

•    Programme Measure 2.1 Supporting transition towards green energy

Project Acronim

Project Title

Lead Partner (LP)

Country of LP


DeCoInter – Decarbonization of Maritime Sector and its Impact on Green Energy Transition

The Association of Polish Regions of Baltic Adriatic Transport Corridor



PRIORITY 3 - Attractive South Baltic

•    Programme Measure 3.1 Developing sustainable, resilient, and innovative tourism

Project Acronim

Project Title

Lead Partner (LP)

Country of LP

Horse tourism for everyone

Horse tourism for everyone - Fostering inclusive & citizen-oriented horse tourism development in the South Baltic area

Pomorskie Voivodeship



The co-financing of the projects selected for funding in the 3rd call for proposals is 3 698 436.80 EUR.

Files to download: 

 Projects selected for funding in the 1st, 2nd and 3rd call for proposals in the Interreg South Baltic Programme 2021-2027 (detailed database)  (xlsx) 62.0 KB