WISA – Water Innovation System Amplifier
Project description
The South Baltic region is currently experiencing the effects of environmental pressures resulting from concentration of population and economic activities coastal areas, which lead to eutrophication and biodiversity loss hazards as a consequence of the nutrient discharges in the South Baltic catchment areas.
The WISA project will focus on innovations for the removal of nutrients before they are released into the system, leading to positive changes in the environmental status of the South Baltic. The project will co-design methods of developing green technologies capable of handling storm water in harbours and other large hard surfaces. At the same time, a test-bed for water related innovations in the South Baltic area that will be used after the project has ended will also be created.
Within the project, there will be three main work packages (WP), which will guide the activities of the project. WP3: Storm water- Co-learn, which will create collective knowledge, assess and learn more about current stormwater management in PPs seaport areas; WP4: Develop new conceptual solutions- Co-design, which will develop new conceptual solutions, with the aim to start using the knowledge presented in WP3; and WP5: Prototype and business modeling-Co-effectuate, which will establish sustainable prototypes and business models for 3-5 cases or innovation projects identified in WP4.
Furthermore, the cooperation between the project partners from Sweden, Lithuania and Poland will create the possibility for unlocking the potential for innovative and cost-effective solutions. To unlock this potential, stakeholders (researchers, companies, municipalities and others) need access to functions for testing, skills and knowledge of problems related to water, for this reason there is a need to develop a test-bed for water innovation, to develop the interconnected water innovation ecosystem in the region.
The project activities will lead to decreased pollution discharges in storm water, especially from fertilizers, in the participation regions, which in turn will also lead to better and healthier environment and increased economic growth.
Project outputs
30 years of Interreg video
Success story
Project website
Find the WISA Project website here.
1 840 213,71 EUR
1 461 788,99 EUR
01 Jun 2019
30 Nov 2022
Name: Krinova AB
Address: Stridsvagnvägen 14, Kristianstad, 29139
Region/Subregion: Sydsverige
Country: Sweden
Name: Klaipeda University
Address: H.Manto 84, Klaipėda, 92294
Region/Subregion: Lithuania
Country: Lithuania
Address: Narutowicza 11/12, Gdansk, 80-233
Region/Subregion: Pomorskie
Country: Poland
Address: Krangatan 2, Åhus, 29632
Region/Subregion: Sydsverige
Country: Sweden
Address: Rotterdamska 9, Gdynia, 81-337
Region/Subregion: Pomorskie
Country: Poland