The registration is now open for a virtual networking meeting organised by the Joint Secretariat.
The meeting is scheduled for 27 April 2021, 10:00-12:30 CET, through the ZOOM platform.
The aim of the meeting is to connect not only South Baltic projects but also other EU programmes and their projects which have common values and goals.
In the first part of the meeting, the concept of capitalisation will be explored. In the second part of the meeting, we will offer participants a fair dose of networking. You will be asked to move to thematic breakout rooms, according to the choice you have made during the registration process.
IMPORTANTDuring the registration process you will be asked:
- to choose a breakout room and
- to say YES to the GDPR rules.
Please, select ONE ROOM ONLY by answering YES/NO if want/do not want to join a certain breakout room.
Thematic breakout rooms:
1. Meet, greet and cooperate with us – why networking platforms are important for long lasting connections and cooperation?
2. Reaching for more – stepping out of programme’s areas and what is there for us?
3. Take it to a higher level – how cooperation between projects can maximise their results?
4. Capitalisation – not sure what it is but I would like to explore it.Register here until 26 April 2021, 3 PM CET.
The GDPR rules for the meeting are here. Please, say YES during the registration if you consent to the rules.
The agenda of the meeting is here.