Parking Gets Smart - Improved & digitalised parking management as tool to foster green and multimodal transport in the South Baltic area

Project description

Parking Gets Smart project starts from an analysis : in urban centres without proper parking strategies, 30% of traffic jam is actually drivers looking for a parking spot. From there, Parking Gets Smart offers, by increasing and improving parking digitalisation, to integrate parking spots in multimodal journey planner and support a shift to sustainable transport (public transport, bikes).

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Project develops and disseminates innovative parking management solutions that make the most of digitalisation and advanced ICT.
For achieving this, the project gathers a “pioneer developer community” that creates new approaches & disseminates them to other parking actors in the SBA. It delivers:

  • A set of innovative, site-oriented model strategies for digital parking management. They define tailored “push” (e.g. parking fees) & digital “pull” (e.g. dynamic parking guidance apps) mechanisms for typical use cases in the SBA (e.g. university campus, seaside resort).
  • Tools & models to establish the base infrastructure for digital processing & sharing of “open parking data”, incl. a generic, non-proprietary model hub that is developed as “open source software”.
  • Model applications that demonstrate & validate benefits. They put ICT-based end-user devices into everyday use (e.g. dynamic parking guidance or lot sharing apps). Effects on mobility behaviour are documented & evaluated. The tools are partly developed as “open source” software, too.
  • The further extension of the user group & use range of digital parking management in the SBA. The “open source” software solutions are provided to followers free-of-charge. A “SBA help desk” & trainings in all SBA countries assist them in launching own activities. Hackathons encourage software developers to create new parking apps.

Upon its finalization, PARKING GETS SMART will have made a significant & concrete contribution to changing mobility behaviour and the wider roll-out of site-oriented digital parking management across the SBA.


Project website

Find teh Parking Gets Smart Project Website here.

Project total eligible budget
2 169 169,96 EUR
1 833 124,87 EUR
Project start date
01 May 2018
Project end date
31 Dec 2022
Lead partner

Name: Polish Union of Active Mobility
Address: Jana Heweliusza 29, 80-861
Gdansk Region/ Subregion: Pomorskie / Trójmiejski
Country: Poland

Project partner
Name: City of Gdansk
Address: Nowe Ogrody 6/12, 80-803 Gdańsk
Region/Subregion: Pomorskie / Trójmiejski
Country: Poland
Name: Gdansk University of Physical Education and Sport
Address: Kazimierza Górskiego 1, 80-836 Gdańsk
Region/Subregion: Pomorskie / Trójmiejski
Country: Poland
Name: Fundacja InfoShare
Address: Al. Grunwaldzka 472 B, 80-309 Gdańsk
Region/Subregion: Pomorskie / Trójmiejski
Country: Poland
Name: PICTEC Foundation
Address: Wiosenna 52, 80-178 Gdańsk
Region/Subregion: Pomorskie / Trójmiejski
Country: Poland
Name: Neringa municipality administration
Address: Taikos g. 2, LT-93121 Neringa
Region/Subregion: Lithuania / Klaipedos apskritis
Country: Lithuania

Name: Klaipeda public transport authority
Address: S. Daukanto 15, LT- 92235 Klaipeda
Region/Subregion: Lithuania / Klaipedos apskritis
Country: Lithuania

Name: Municipality of Växjö
Address: Västra Esplanaden 18, P. O Box 1222 SE 351 12 Växjö
Region/Subregion: Småland och öarna / Kronobergs län
Country: Sweden
Name: Hanseatic City of Bremen
Address: Contrescarpe 72, 28195 Bremen
Region/Subregion: Other DE
Country: Germany
Name: Municipality Ostseebad Heringsdorf
Address: Kurparkstraße 4, 17419 Ahlbeck
Region/Subregion: Mecklenburg Vorpommern / Vorpommern-Greifswald
Country: Germany
Category of intervention
044 Intelligent transport systems (including the introduction of demand management, tolling systems, IT monitoring control and information systems)