4th Seed money call projects have been selected for funding


The 4th Seed money call for proposals of the Interreg South Baltic Programme 2014-2020 aimed to develop ideas for regular projects to be implemented and financed under the future Interreg South Baltic Programme 2021-2027. The call was opened between 27 September and 21 November 2022.

During the call, lead applicants submitted 27 project proposals. The sum of total eligible budgets requested amounted to 1,08 mln EUR.

Following the assessment phase, the selection of the 4th Seed money call projects has been made by the Monitoring Committee in the form of a written procedure held between 13 February and 27 February 2023.

As the result of the 4th call for seed money projects, 23 projects have been selected for funding by the Monitoring Committee of the Programme. In total the allocated financial resources to these projects amount to 920 000,00 EUR. The projects approved cover 5 out of 7 specific objectives of the Programme (the call was not open for the Specific Objective 1.2 ‘SME innovation capacity’ and Specific Objective 4.1 ‘Skills development’).  The selected projects are listed in the attachment below.

 4th Seed money call Monitoring Committee decision