1st Mini Call project #8

We continue presenting the 1st Mini Call projects and their objectives.

The 8th out of 9 projects, SEAPLANSPACE - Marine spatial planning instruments for sustainable marine governance, covering Skilled labour force.

The duration of the project has been prolonged until 31 December 2021 and its activities planned until that date comprise:

  • Creation of a 20-hour online training on international and national aspects of Maritime Spatial Planning – MSP (the training will be preceded by the creation of its curriculum)
  • Organisation of a SEAPLANSPACE Summer School – 20 hours of an online practical and interactive course aiming at increasing competencies in MSP; (the Summer School will be preceded by the creation of its curriculum);
  • Update of SEAPLANSPACE manuals related to changes in the Maritime Spatial Planning regulations and the project’s prolongation;
  • Implementation of activities cancelled or delayed due to Covid-19 (2 workshops in Denmark, 1 network meeting);
  • Additional promotional and dissemination activities in Sweden;
  • Creation of a movie about maritime spatial planning.


: graphic with project's and programme's logos consisting information from the article